I'm still rather proud of them though.
(and I look like an alien if you cover up the whole eye except for the tear ducts)
I have an obsession with plucking my eyebrows. Though maybe "obsession" is a little harsh. About once every 2 months I purge my eyebrows of all the nasty crooked, stray or super-long hairs. It hurts a lot, but I still enjoy doing it because it doesn't take a lot of time and yet it makes me feel like I am really meticulous about my hygiene (though plucking my eyebrows and brushing my teeth are about the only two really regular concessions to hygiene that I actually ever make). The irony of it is that I have such fair hair that no one would ever notice if I did or didn't pluck my eyebrows, unless they were specifically looking. I think if I had a unibrow, or only one eyebrow or no eyebrows at all, I would look basically the same. So plucking is really something I just do for me--to make myself feel pampered and special. Even when I wear pjs to school I'm hiding this little secret from the world. I have meticulously groomed eyebrows.
2. Sushi: I love it. Though technically I don't really eat much raw fish with it--I really like tamago, which is this sweet egg lashed to rice with a thin strip of seaweed, and I really, really, really like salmon and cream cheese with cucumber or asparagus. Why couldn't I like the healthy sushi? I'm planning a sushi party this weekend so I can practice making my own sushi (hopefully with lower fat/healthier ingredients: fat free cream cheese, brown rice, etc. Hopefully I will save money and calories.
3. THAT time of the month. I tried to think of a family friendlier euphemism but I didn't want to sound like someone who thinks up euphemisms for periods. What I didn't realize when I started my weight loss lifestyle is that your period can make a big difference in your weight. After 4 weeks consistently losing weight, two weeks ago I unexpectedly gained 2.2 pounds! And I was eating less than I had previous weeks. I was cranky about it and got online to see if others had had this experience. Turns out, many women have reported significant weight gain during their periods. The particular message board I looked at involved women trying to lose weight who indicated they had gained up to 10lbs during their period (this sounds judgmental but I have to think that the woman who gained ten pounds was either really really overweight, so proportionally that wasn't that much, or simply deluding herself about her feel-better snacks during pms). Many women reported gaining 2-4lbs during their period. This made me feel a little better--but I was still frustrated and worried. Is it possible that I just CAN'T lose weight?!! I'm I forgetting things I've eaten? Could it be that the nutrition facts on the things I'm eating are wrong? The intervening week was one of the longest of my life. I stuck with the plan (though the online program upped the amount of food I should eat each week (as if I couldn't handle limiting my caloric intake by an additional 50 calories each day--adding insult to injury). By the end of the week, I didn't know what was going to happen. Sunday is Judgment day each week, and I use the wii fit--a notoriously rude source of weight loss motivation. To make a long story short, I was back down!! It was four pounds from the period gain, but technically two pounds if I had just stayed on track! What I've taken from this experience is that a) weight loss is not magical--if you take in fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight b) there are many reasons why having a period sucks--it shouldn't be surprising to discover another.
You forgot to mention that the salmon, cream cheese, and asparagus sushi we like is deep fried. Also, I think brown rice is probably harder to use for sushi, it doesn't stick together as easily.
ReplyDeleteokay nay-sayer. I had non-deep fried sushi yesterday AND it was delicious. AND there was a bunch of other sushi that was made with brown rice. So think about that next time you get all smart alek-ey.
ReplyDeleteI really don't like sushi, but your deep-fried sushi sounds amazing, minus the salmon of course. I think all of us have that one little thing we do that makes us feel ready to go out in public. Mine is having a clean face. As long as my face feels clean, it doesn't matter whether I haven't showered in days or I'm wearing sweats.
ReplyDeleteAlso, periods suck. You should think about going on the depo shot or getting an iud, I was on the depo shot for a while and didn't have a period for almost a year and the doctor said it was perfectly healthy :)
what does depo mean? Also, I don't know if I ever told you this, but at Case, there was a medical building housing the largest selection of contraceptives in the free world (okay, in the whole world, but no one says that anymore, and I'm bringing it back!). They had a million terrifying-looking iuds there. They looked like fish hooks. Anyway, how often do you have to get the shot?