In the meantime, some small victories to celebrate:
1. Despite all the stress and dietary mistakes this week, I exercised a lot and netted a 1.3lb weight loss!! I'm at a 19.1lb total loss at this point (that's 8.66kg! and ~1.35 stone--darn! the more I convert the less it seems I've lost). My prize at my next weight is a kitchen scale (not for me, for food--in case that wasn't clear--I'm not the type to have a scale in every room). Technically, I've reached the number, but with the decimal it's basically one pound above....But I SOO want a prize...!!
2. After over a month, my final grade came out for the scariest class--the exam was the kind that made me question whether I would make it through law school after all. I can honestly say, I did not feel prepared--I HAD prepared--a lot, but it felt like I had prepared for the wrong class when I got in there. Anyway, to my shock and awe, I got an A!!!! If I don't get a prize for the weight loss, I guess the grade is good enough. I just wish I knew on these good grade exams what it was I did right--it always seems so flukey and I'm not quite sure how to replicate my success.
3. We survived the second-to-last day of nursery at church. But only barely. Actually, the only really bad part was AFTER church when an old woman ran into the back of our car (while we were in it) and then just drove off....I have been in law school for two years, and I was still stunned beyond an ability to do anything. My only comfort (if it is truly a comfort) is that the "bad guy" was really just an old lady who probably didn't notice she hit us (though if she didn't notice hitting a car square on, she probably wouldn't notice hitting other adults or little kids....that's troubling....).
4. This doesn't have anything to do with personal accomplishments, but I got an awesome dress for my birthday (I ordered it with my birthday money--thanks everyone!) They actually sent the wrong patterned dress (though the tag was labeled the right color, it was just on the wrong dress) and it turns out that I still love it! (and by virtue of that tag, I paid less than I ordinarily would for the dress.) Win, Win, Win.
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