two fun facts about wombats:
1. as members of the marsupial family, they have a pouch, but unlike kangaroos, they carry their pouch on back so they don't cover their babies in dirt when they dig, which they apparently do a lot.
2. they. have. square. poop.
I heard my roommate talking the other day about making a will. She was like, "I could get killed in a car accident tomorrow." That thought stunned me. I am not insane. I realize that we can and will all die at some point. I just can't talk about it in an objective way. I feel like Gob (from Arrested Development, not from the bible, even though it's pronounced the same as Job) when he says, "I was thinking, if anything ever happened to me...just...how sad I'd be." Fortunately, I found a way to think about how I could get killed by a crazed lunatic last night. I came home at like 5pm and hung out for a really long time, took a shower, exercised (yes, in that order. no, I don't know why) and so on. Then my roommate came home and asked why the back door was wide open. Presumably it had been wide open all day. I couldn't stop the shower scene from 'Psycho' playing in my head. With me in the starring role. (as the victim, not as Norman Bates).
And let's be honest, part of losing weight is being healthy. I want to be healthy because the alternative is not healthy. Sometimes not healthy can get pretty serious. Like death. That's as directly as I can talk about my mortality right now, but if it's spurring me on to lose weight, that's good enough for me. I feel depressed now. I need to hug a wombat.
Also, I was exonerated on Biggest Loser. I was added back into the results and was not eliminated this week. That doesn't change the fact that I'm still not going to win next week, BUT, it is good to stay alive, even if it's just virtually.
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