Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby's First Arson Attempt

so proud...our house didn't burn down. It's an envelope with some little kid drawings on them. I think they "mailed" it down the heat register. There was nothing inside the envelope. I had high hopes of state secrets or at least a long-lost confession to a murder, but, alas...

I'm feeling a bit melodramatic today. At first, I was going to entitle this entry "My Hit List" but I didn't want to end up on "My Nation's Watch List." Besides, everything on my hit list was an inanimate object. They were all things that I needed with varying degrees of desperation today, but that I couldn't find.
First was my nasal saline spray. I couldn't make any facial expressions that involved the use of my nose without serious injury because my nasal membranes were so dry. Only in my left nostril though. I think that's the bad one.
my nose may look normal on the outside, but it is a crotchety old lady with dry, withered skin inside. this picture was taken in the Mansfield Reformatory before weight-loss began. please notice that the grim reaper appears to be making an appearance in profile over to the top left of the frame. I can't believe I didn't notice this at the time!

Then it was the wrapping paper--We bought a huge roll, big enough to cover our entire house--and it was suddenly gone. So I made a "hit list" of the things I was missing and basically played "Where's Waldo?" in my house until I found them.

My nose feels soo much better. I wrapped some presents, too!

Now if only I could find my acrylic paint set.....

1 comment:

  1. A. You are wearing an anything goes tee shirt. that made me laugh
    B. I was terrified that was a bathroom in your house, in which case i would rescind my offer to come visit you
