Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Best way to release pent up aggression...

is changing the screens for panes in the windows all over your house. There's a lot of slamming involved.
It's less effective if you only develop more aggression after you're finished because your sometimes adorable dog has this time stolen the rest of your awesome brownie---that was filled with peanut-butter and caramel and was cut into bite-sized pieces that you got to have one of every day to spread out the caloric impact and deliciousness--and scarfed it. Somehow putting her in time-out doesn't seem to cut it.

The problem is, I don't want to take responsibility for her doing that--even though it was my fault, cause I didn't push my chair in all the way after I left the table, even though I know she has a tendency to get up there and scarf things. Honestly I just left for a minute and then got distracted--that's why I was gone so long. But it sort of doesn't matter because the damage is done.
Once again, I've learned to always, ALWAYS push in my chair.
Weight loss can inspire in me the same unwillingness to take responsibility for my actions as Greta eating my beautiful baby brownie. When I don't lose, it's probably hormones or a thyroid thing, or the wii fit is just off kilter today. It's never that I ate a lot more than I should have and didn't exercise at all.

So here's to a better run. Keeping my dog off the sweet stuff, keeping myself in check and sneaking exercise as I winterize my house!

ps. Lost .3lbs this week--not great, but better than a gain!!

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