Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sweaty and Piggy

I just took what may have been the hottest shower ever survived by a human. At the time it felt good. Now it feels...hot. and sleepy. good thing it's bed time!

this week has been kind of weird, diet-wise (again, not diet as in restricting what I eat, but diet as in the total mix of things that I consume). Yesterday and today, I've gotten extremely hungry early in the evening, but had to delay gratification. Apparently, my body is able to accept eating a smaller amount of food throughout the day, but it draws the line at going without food for a terribly long time (yesterday and today the cutoff point for terribly long has been around an hour and a half).

Long story short, I am front-loading while I'm away from home--allowing myself to consume my flexible points early in the week--so I can get serious when I'm back around more fresh produce and ways to preserve it--also home-cooked meals (not like the kind grandma used to make--more like the kind richard simmons daydreams about).

Speaking of which, those little containers--I'd say they're about half a pint if that--of raspberries are 10/$10 at our grocery store this week. Most of my snacks down here are complex carbohydrates--but today, I got a little thing of raspberries and snarfed it down like my dog when a cookie falls on the floor and I chase after her to get it and despite the fact that it is roughly the size of her head, she sucks it up in the amount of time it takes for her to run around the room and hide under the couch. Okay, maybe I savored the raspberries a LITTLE more than that...

Anyway, it's kind of hard not to feel guilty about eating a lot, even if it's within the plan and you've given yourself permission to do it.

Ah, shucks...please pass the raspberries...

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