Monday, July 26, 2010

This is your brain on gardening

this is me. it is 12:00pm and i have been gardening for about an hour and a half. and by gardening, I mean trying to fix the rear path outside our back door which took out a two year old last night. (and by took out, I mean she fell down and her hand hurt a little bit after).

There were a lot of bugs. It turns out that our step out of the sunroom is wobbly because it was built on top of a weird frame of bricks and was mortared on, but all the mortar dried up and isn't holding it together anymore. I saw a spider carrying an egg sac and a spider with a really bunchy looking belly. For some reason when I have gloves on, I'm not really bothered by bugs at all. I still don't want to touch them, but I don't feel terrified. Anyway, I picked up big blocks and put them down and dug holes for new blocks and buried them in. There is still a ways to go before the back walk is how I want it to be--ideally, we would pave it with red bricks placed closely together like the roads in little italy.
It's wicked good exercise, but I was sweating like a piggy pig. As I dug, the shovel would get covered in big sweat rain-drops from my forehead. Now I'm back inside recovering and wallowing happily in my air conditioning.
Anyway, I planted a lavender plant and a foxglove, the former in the back and the latter in the front. I'm hoping the horrid ground squirrels that delight in digging up my lovingly cared-for herbs and not eating them, but just leaving them there to die will be quick to partake of my foxglove and earn their eternal reward.

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