Monday, September 13, 2010

Unhappily Back at School

Mondays are the worst
especially after a 2.5 hour drive
especially worrying about the fact that the back bumper of the car has popped out from its bolt on one side and knowing how to fix it but not having the welding torch it would entail
especially when you have the heaviest backpack ever
especially when said backpack breaks and gapes open as you walk across the busy street without a walk signal.
especially when you barely make it to the sidewalk before every single thing falls out onto the floor.
especially when you don't really have a back up plan for your book transport
especially when your books collectively weigh about 40lbs
especially when you have class til 7pm tonight
especially when you have a paper due in that class
especially when you can't finish the paper because you can't find the book it's based on
especially when your one point of high self esteem--a 1.5lb weight loss this week, is totally overshadowed by another Biggest Loser competitor's tremendous loss of 4lbs--
especially when their starting weight was 146lbs
especially when you're worried about being eliminated
especially since a cash prize is on the line
especially since you ate 3 cookies this morning just to stay awake in the car ride down
and overall, especially since you're tired, you miss your husband and puppy, you feel very discouraged in class and you can't imagine a world where you would care enough about the topics being discussed to be able to follow the discussion, let alone meaningfully contribute.


  1. hang in there! and be sure to get a workout -- legally blonde taught me that "exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy!" or at least get rid of some of that frustration from an especially long negotiations class

  2. Watch all of these:
