Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I spent the evening of my anniversary with someone I care about very much.

that is not my husband. it is my baby puppy. my husband generally smells much better.

The separation is really hard when it falls on an anniversary. But, fear not, because I did receive flowers and go out to breakfast with my sweetie that morning. Now, in less than a day, it will be over. And we will be happy. If we can stand living together.

This week has been filled with work and tying up loose ends, changing addresses, etc. Today was the oil change. In a hot, hot mechanic shop, on a hot, hot day that was so hot the National Weather Service issued a warning not something...I can't remember because it was too hot.

Greta has to go to puppy prison tomorrow :(
But only for a little while. I miss my replacement spouse when she's in the chokey.

the kennel from greta's perspective
(it's blurry because dogs don't see too well)

Anyway, with the heat and the stress and the work and the loneliness, it gets tough staying healthy. It doesn't help that I have no clue if I'm on track for weight-loss or not, given the scale adventures of last Sunday. I haven't exercised much given my apparent muscle pulls--I want to be strong for the big move--and I'm starting to feel blobby.

One of my prizes coming up (it may be a Loooong time, though) is a fancy haircut. I'm excited. I also want to grow my hair really long. I'm not sure how to strike a balance between those two--that is not a mullet.

So, sleeping now, and waking up tomorrow to a Brave New World (which is a super-depressing book by the way. Just thinking about it makes me want some soma).
ah, soma....and reading!

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